Saturday, 14 December 2013


One of my favourite genres when it comes to furniture and other random paraphernalia, is jugend. I love the frames, the jewellery, the mirrors, the lamps... almost everything!
A few months ago I found this beautiful frame on an auction site. It was too expensive for me, unfortunately, but it was alas gorgeous.

Friday, 13 December 2013


I finished watching Buffy a few weeks ago, and while my squealing and fangirling posts didn't get made in time (for my obsession to subside), I did save a few pictures of my darling Spike.
So here ya go. Spike-a-thon!

Random pictures from my desktop

Monday, 2 December 2013

The Sagan Series - The Pale Blue Dot

This summer I picked up a random book from a bookshelf long forgotten because of sporadic visits. It was Carl Sagan's Contact. I fell in love, and it is now one of my favourite books. And just now, I came across this video. I still love him, Mr Sagan, because of his excellent way of describing the infinite notion that is space.
And also because Sagan in swedish means "The Tale".